
Kara’s Collection: The Ugly Edge—Christmas Edition

Kara’s Collection: The Ugly Edge—Christmas Edition

From an article originally posted December 24, 2013…

I have a confession. I have a really ugly edge to me that I am not at all proud to confess to you. I would love to be alone in this ugly, but I have a feeling I may not be too lonely on this island. It’s an edge maybe only one person I know can decipher. It may be an edge only the one I love in this life best can see, and over time the little people in my life will soon be able to recognize. I see it as the holidays get closer, I feel the edge creeping into my inside thoughts, spilling into the words that exit the face part of me, and the subtle moments in my days. More than words, it’s really a subtle attitude.

Kara’s Collection: Overcoming Stereotypes

Kara’s Collection: Overcoming Stereotypes

From an article originally posted July 24, 2013…

Each of us has some kind of stereotype to overcome, break free from, and find strength where only weakness is felt. For me, this area is home keeping. I actually keep a pretty tidy home. I have come a long, long way. But this is an area of extreme self-loathing for me. I once hated myself for almost a year because my front coat closet was a wreck. One day I decided I would face it. Guess how long it took? 15 minutes. Seriously, 15 minutes. I couldn’t believe it. I hated myself over that closet. 15 minutes was all it took.

Kara’s Collection: Radiation

Kara’s Collection: Radiation

From an article originally posted April 22, 2013

My dear Jen Whipple sent me this Psalm last week. As I face hard day after hard day, I brush near to the valley of the shadow of death. I see how little this world holds. My sweet faces of those I love hold me here cause me to not long for Heaven. But this world and its expectations are fallen. Driving down the road, one can see the ugly of commercial, the want for our dollars without care for our hearts. The pull towards want is great with little care for the eternal need for our souls.