Kara’s Collection: Coffee hope—a reminder

from an article originally posted November 9, 2014…

Each day is a battle to see, a struggle to learn, a fight against the lies of hopelessness. Each day I wake, I remember my story, then I want to go back to sleep. But through each day, I see so much truth, hope, life, joy that I simply cannot check out of living and fighting for my moments. I enjoy the giggles of my littles, the pleadings for a sleepover, a new toy, a favorite dinner and I’m reminded of the giant little moments in each day. The kids each enter the room with their questions: Mama, did you see this Lego; Daddy what clothes should I wear for today’s weather? Lil bit just slides in next to my warmth until hunger carries her downstairs where Nanny Mickey will capture her with toast. Slowly, I will drink my coffee and read my Bible, and find the strength to get moving beyond my despair. Some days I begin the day faking it for the benefit of my children, and some days I move from my bed with genuine strength and hope for the day. Each day has some mercy to make the moving possible.

Today, I will drive to a local elementary that is turned into our place of worship for a few hours. I will be gently reminded of Jesus and why his birth, death, and resurrection make all the difference in today. Jesus is the heart of all my going, all my strength, all my breaths, but the little gems of life: the coffee, the snuggles, the friend preparing the toast all remind me of Jesus. And especially my Westside community that seeks Jesus in the mist of brokenness.

Tim Timmons and his amazing music always remind me of Truth. Truth in Jesus. He and I lock arms in this battle and drag one another to the beauty of the cross. So thankful to be on this journey with you Tim and Hillary.