Kara’s Collection: Radioactive Injectables

Kara’s Collection: Radioactive Injectables

This is from a blog post originally posted August 10, 2012.

It is almost comical to hear someone tell you they are going to inject you with radioactive material, and then try and be reassuring that it’s not that unhealthy. Here she comes with the injection, and guess what it is required to be carried in? Lead. Hmm, not how I prefer my injectables, but that’s just me.

Kindred Spirits: Justine

Kindred Spirits: Justine

Not much about my relationship with Kara is unique from my other friendships (although she is the reason I now drink coffee J). I have many friends who encourage my heart, make me laugh till my cheeks hurt, and walk hards with grace. Their kids, just like Kara’s, are constantly in and out of our house, and I love it. But with Kara... I had never started a friendship with someone who was dying. And cancer... Cancer makes all normal and mundane things about love unique.

Kara’s Collection: Head Scarves and New Reality

Kara’s Collection: Head Scarves and New Reality

This is from a blog post originally posted August 8, 2012.

I have had my fun. I have cut off my hair, and now I’m sporting the most platinum white hair you ever saw. It’s fun, it’s different, it’s unlike anything I have ever done. I still shock myself when I walk by the mirror.

Kara’s Collection: Prayer Matters

Kara’s Collection: Prayer Matters

This is from a blog post originally posted August 7, 2012.

Last week, a dear woman wrote me and asked me the hardest times of day I face. I immediately knew the answer without having to think: 6:30am and 10pm.

Every morning between 6-6:30am, I wake up, I remember my story, I run to the bathroom to be sick, and then I race down to scripture to find my way back to peace. Then, if everyone is still sleeping, I head out for a long hike, filled with tears, prayers, horrible loud singing. Typically, when I return home, peace has been restored and the grace has been found to begin my day



They finally came, four weeks to the day that Kara went Home. After checking my phone when it dinged while I was getting ready, hoping it was her asking me to come sit. Then the letdown remembering it wasn’t her. It couldn’t be her.