Kara’s Collection: Graduation Grace

Kara’s Collection: Graduation Grace

from an article originally posted May 13, 2014...

The end of the school year is wrapping up, and this time of year is a frantic stumbling to the finish line. Field day, projects, meetings, graduations, and trying to get ready to have everyone home. The marathon has been run, and honestly, we will barely be crossing the finish line. I feel like I said this last year. It feels like I have two functioning brain cells and they are exhausted.

Wednesday Bookclub: Befriend, Chapter 3

Wednesday Bookclub:  Befriend, Chapter 3

Befriend the “Other”...This chapter made me uncomfortable from the very beginning when Sauls tells a story about a new couple who came to his small group: the husband was drunk, and the wife was clearly desperate for help. During prayer time, the husband prayed for 10 minutes about random, off-the-wall things, like wanting a Jolly Rancher and Klingons. As soon as the Amens were said, all eyes were on Sauls—how would he, as the pastor, respond to this man who had shown up in all his sinful glory? This man who didn’t fit in and was unable to conform to the group. Before Sauls could think of something to say, another woman in the group moved toward the drunk man and offered him a cookie, engaging him in conversation. That gave the opportunity for others to approach the man’s wife and offer her encouragement and help.

Kara’s Collection: Happy Mother’s Day 

Kara’s Collection: Happy Mother’s Day 

from an article originally posted May 11, 2014…

Oh my soul, I do not need a day to mark the joy that meets me every day, but I will certainly embrace the extra snuggles, homemade treasures, and sweet love on this day. The year has been full of kisses, bedtime heart sharing, hand holding, kindness, and love, and I am unbelievably grateful to have been present in this year. It is my great privilege to meet my children in all of life. When we meet the edges of one another, it is my high calling to press into their hearts and love them in the hard places of life. When they are struggling, fighting, angry, I get to meet their heart, show them the neediness of their hearts for a Savior. I get to share my own struggles with anger, frustration, unkindness and whisper to them my own great need for Jesus. Together, we walk, we stumble, we seek grace, forgiveness, and a softened heart together. A mother is the platform from which their children shine the best of love. A mother is the base from which children begin to feel their own value and worth. The love of a mother builds confidence in their little loves to face the troubles and joys in life.