Kindred Spirits

Kindred Spirits: Cristy’s Story, Part 2

Kindred Spirits: Cristy’s Story, Part 2

So many fun and sweet times were made during that time of life. Kara fought to live with so much passion and purpose. She never wasted time. She never let her sickness keep her from enjoying her family and friends.

Last summer was so much fun. We spent so many days at our community pool, enjoying our kids enjoy each other. I think all of Kara’s friends felt like we could enjoy this for a while. Sure she was sick, weaker than usual, and never free from the stupid cancer, but she was fighting it and fighting to do life well. I thought we had several more years of this kind of living with cancer.

Kindred Spirits: Cristy’s Story, Part 1

Kindred Spirits: Cristy’s Story, Part 1

The first time I met Kara, she wasn’t actually there.

I had just picked my kids up from school, and we were at our favorite part of the weekday: after-school playground time! For several years now, moms and their kids have met up at the playground after school for one big, massive play date. While the children play, we moms discuss life and get to know each other. Every once in awhile, a dad joins us.

Kindred Spirits: Stephanie’s Story Part 2

Kindred Spirits: Stephanie’s Story Part 2

I didn’t know what our role in this journey could possibly be. What did we have to offer? She was our first up close and personal face of cancer. We had never done this with someone before. I remember sitting with her in the car one day, our minds spinning one way still trying to grasp reality, and also spinning the other way with to-do lists to make it easier to get through treatment. I told Kara I didn’t know how she needed us, but my family wanted to be there, however we were needed. I’m pretty sure my first offer was that I could make meals and be a safe person to cuss around. We just wanted to be there. So that’s what we did, not knowing what else to do, sometimes not sure if we were helping at all. We did what was very natural to us and we worked to gather our families together whenever and wherever we could. And grace always came, too.

Kindred Spirits: Stephanie’s Story Part 1

Kindred Spirits: Stephanie’s Story Part 1

The Tippetts family charged (and I mean charged) into our family's life the summer of 2012. I remember the first time I saw Kara and Jason in the pew in front of us, waiting to be introduced to the larger church body as our new church planters from North Carolina. We casually met and welcomed them during the often awkward "meet and greet" minute. I was stricken with Kara's bright green eyes. I have always wanted green eyes. I just love them. And hers were stunning. The four of us smiled warmly, exchanged names, we told them how happy we were that they were finally here, and they moved on to the next hands extended out to them.

Kindred Spirits: Heather’s Story

Kindred Spirits: Heather’s Story

In reflecting on friendship with Kara, I want to write about little things. The one time Kara and I got together when she didn’t have cancer was after dropping our kids off at school one day. We had breakfast at my favorite place, then went to an estate sale where she made me purchase a metal cabinet, then to a thrift store where she forced a rooster lamp on me. Clearly, I’m easily influenced in such matters—and it’s a good thing because the lamp turned out to be worth $200! These are little things I now cherish because they take me back the few years that can seem like a lifetime.