Mundane Faithfulness

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Kara’s Collection: Quirky, Quirk, Quirk!

From an article originally posted January 13, 2014…

I have more than a few quirks; I have shared them here, and I’m compiling a list for yet another post exposing the oddities of me, and I can hardly wait to hear more from each of you. It was by far one of my favorite posts I wrote last year. I learned so much about each of you.

I have made no bones about the fact that I struggle with home keeping. I have spurts of success and moments of utter failure. I have seasons where I’m really great at inspiring the kids to take ownership and participate, and seasons where I just do it and forego training my children. I have seasons where I love serving my family with laundry love, and seasons I forget that we need clean clothes.

Jason and I have a few small signals that gently remind me that I need to get a few tasks done. They are gentle encouragements to remind me, inspire me, and keep me going. Wait for them, they are quirky.

Around the issue of laundry, Jason has a pair of undergarments he wears that indicate he is out of underwear. I won’t go into details, but when I see those, I know it’s laundry love time. No words are exchanged, no frustrating pleas for laundry to be washed. It’s one distinct pair of undies that get my attention. He never says anything, speaks frustration or feelings of disappointment, I just happen to know the last pair of underwear he would choose to wear. I’m not sure when this started, but it has been an effective way to motivate me to clear my schedule and focus on the house. I tend toward going, going, going, this reminder helps me slow down. Over this break and many weekends Jason helps with laundry and getting the kids helping. Every evening he helps put clothes away. I’m not sure if this will help anyone out there, but this little trick has saved us many sensitive talks. I’m very sensitive to feeling like a failure in this area. Jason meets me with love in my success and my failure in this area.

Another tip that we learned early on in our marriage is the power of fresh flowers. When I am given fresh flowers I feel like a stately guest has come for a visit. When my house is messy and untidy, I feel my guest is not properly appreciated. Early on I clued Jason into the fact that fresh flowers are the best motivation for me to keep a tidy home. Nothing fancy, but something about flowers encourages me to want to clean. I love flower house guests, they are happy, sunny reminders of the best of nature. I had a dear friend who kept my house full of fresh flowers through chemo. It was such a sweet kindness that encouraged my heart.

So if Jason comes home with flower love, he is often met with a more tidy home. It’s a win all around. Flowers and a yummy candle and I’m a happy cleaning mama! Flowers, candles, and some loud dance music and I’m ready to roll.

What little kindnesses help you love the tasks of your day more? What are the indicators in your home that help you see it’s time to get moving?