Community Series

Community Series: What About When No One Shows Up?

Community Series: What About When No One Shows Up?

What about when no one shows up? This is a question I’m asked a lot, and I don’t love it because it doesn’t have an easy answer. So much hurt lies behind this question. So many have been wounded by the words and actions of others. Or by the lack of words and actions of others. There are so many places to make mistakes in doing community, I almost want to throw in the towel before I even start attempting to do this with others.

The Community Series Is Here!

The Community Series Is Here!

Part of my story is that after my parents died in a car accident when I was 20, I was so consumed with anger and confusion over why God would allow something so awful that I eventually left the church. It was easy enough to do—I never made a commitment to any particular church in college or to my parents’ church. So when I decided not to go anymore, there was really no one to miss me.